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Differences Between Ceramic And Sapphire Brackets

Differences Between Ceramic And Sapphire Brackets

Nowadays people are very concerned about the appearance of their teeth. They always verify that they are white and perfectly aligned. This leads them to make consultations with the orthodontist, and want to know the differences between ceramic and sapphire brackets.

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Woman With Aphthae On Lip

Prosthetic Stomatitis: A New Perspective

Prosthetic stomatitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gums found in removable prostheses. It is a more common oral lesion in the toothless. It affects one-third of prosthetic wearers. The most prominent etiologic factors in the literature are trauma caused by poorly fitting prostheses, poor oral and prosthetic hygiene, and an infectious factor. The trauma caused by an unstable prosthesis, and the continual wearing of the prosthesis also promotes this disease.

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